Robowar (Blu Ray)






Terminator alla Mattei: che guarda tanto al film di Cameron quanto a Predator di McTiernan, con una spruzzata di Robocop.

Versione rimasterizzata in 4k dal negativo originale.

Informazioni aggiuntive

  • Extra "Robo Predator" interview with Co-Director/Co-Writer Claudio Fragasso (23:06)
    "Italian Rip-Off" interview with Co-Writer Rossella Drudi (9:18)
    "Violence She Wrote" career interview with Screenwriter Rossella Drudi (21:51)
    "Robo-Lady" interview with Actress Catherine Hickland (11:34)
    "Papa Doc’s War" interview with Actor John P. Dulaney (12:50)
    "The Robowarrior" interview with Actor Jim Gaines Jr. (9:02)
    "War in the Philippines" interview with Actor/Stuntman Massimo Vanni (17:23)
    Catherine Hickland’s Behind The Scenes Home Movies (15:14)
    Theatrical Trailer (2:39)